Asia IP
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South Korean startup beats Apple for a patent fight in the United States
The winner has not taken the grand prize yet as it still has one more patent to fight for. A Korean...
Young people in Malaysia with groundbreaking inventions increasing
Maryam Muzamir who may get to patent her award-winning livestock feed "YAM 2.0" through the Intellec...
Writers of Taiwanese Song Accused Of Plagiarism
The successful Taiwanese song "Your Name Engraved Herein," which won Song of the Year at the Golden...
Supreme People’s Court of China confirms jurisdiction over SEP global rate setting in OPPO v. Sharp
A local expert discusses the verdict in great detail.
INTA publishes Unfair Competition Laws Quick Guide
On September 14, 2021, INTA’s Board of Directors voted to approve a Board Resolution addressing adva...
According to a New Study, Malaysian Companies Likely to Experience Data Breach
According to a new poll, 73% of Malaysian businesses believe they will face a data breach affecting...
Nippon Paint (Singapore) Co. Pte. Ltd., and opposition thereto by Warrior Pte. Ltd.
These opposition proceedings relate to a dispute on the trademarks between an established supplier o...