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Fees for services in Kazakhstan increase for registration of marks, GIs, etc.

Fees for services in Kazakhstan increase for registration of marks, GIs, etc.

25 July 2024

With the fee increase in July 2023, lawyer questions the necessity of increasing them again.

The Philippines’ IP Experts 2024

The Philippines’ IP Experts 2024

01 July 2024

Intellectual property filings in the Philippines continued to rise, up 2.5 percent in 2023, an increase which the Intellectual Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) has attributed to increased awareness of the importance of IP. 

Taiwan’s IP Experts 2024

Taiwan’s IP Experts 2024

01 July 2024

Taiwan boasts a strong legal market, thanks in part to its leading role in semiconductor and other high-tech manufacturing. The legal market in Taipei – and, indeed, elsewhere around Taiwan – is robust and competitive, giving it outsize strength for...

Maintaining rights over time – how the Philippines does it

Maintaining rights over time – how the Philippines does it

01 July 2024

Declarations of actual use act as a gatekeeper to make sure that marks aren’t just kept on hand, but used in the market.

Green trademark filings increasing in Singapore – IPOS report

Green trademark filings increasing in Singapore – IPOS report

09 July 2024

Increase shows growing consciousness on sustainability, shifting preferences, but lawyer warns against “greenwashing.”

Qatar issues updates on POA for trademark prosecution

Qatar issues updates on POA for trademark prosecution

08 July 2024

One major change is that Powers of Attorney legalized abroad by the Qatari embassy now require local attestation by the Qatar Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Indonesia’s IP Experts 2024

Indonesia’s IP Experts 2024

31 May 2024

If Min Usihen, Indonesia’s director general of intellectual property, has her way, women-owned micro, small and medium enterprises will soon be taking advantage of the country’s IP laws to improve their businesses.

Thailand’s IP Experts 2024

Thailand’s IP Experts 2024

31 May 2024

Thailand remains on the United States Trade Representative’s Special 301 Report watchlist, despite praise from the U.S. government for the Thai government for its work in improving the country’s IP system, the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP...

Is your brand well-known in another country?

Is your brand well-known in another country?

31 May 2024

Understanding the ins and outs of well-known status and legal protections is vital.

Distribution and franchising in Russia

Distribution and franchising in Russia

31 May 2024

For the purposes of dynamic development of any large and ambitious company, entering a new market is always extremely vital.

Compensation: A useful alternative to damages

Compensation: A useful alternative to damages

29 May 2024

Russian law always provided that infringement of rights for patents and trademarks entailed punishment in the form of damages.

Asia IP 2024 Trademark Rankings

Asia IP 2024 Trademark Rankings

31 May 2024

Unveiling the top trademark firms of 2024 - Discover the standout performers.

Capitalizing on Paris 2024

Capitalizing on Paris 2024

30 May 2024

Just because millions of potential customers are watching the Olympics doesn’t mean that a company can use the excitement of the Games to market their brand.

Misappropriated Trademark Applications in Japan

Misappropriated Trademark Applications in Japan

31 May 2024

Trademark owners face potential risks in Japan when it comes to brokers who register marks unscrupulously. Aki Ryuka and Yichen Liu share some of the best preventative measures to combat misappropriated trademark applications.

Hong Kong IP office to issue electronic Certificates of Registration beginning on June 28, 2024

Hong Kong IP office to issue electronic Certificates of Registration beginning on June 28, 2024

21 June 2024

A good step toward going digital, but the IP office can do more, says laywer.