IP Analysts

Trust everybody, but cut the cards
06 January 2025It happens again and again with disturbing regularity. Russian companies are eager to collaborate with foreign partners and, usually, the collaboration is mutually beneficial. Sometimes, however, foreign companies are naïve with all their experience...

Singapore – Fonterra Brands v. Consozio del Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano
15 December 2024In Fonterra Brands (Singapore) Pte Ltd v. Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano [2024] SGCA 53 (Fonterra), the Court of Appeal illuminated the Singapore courts’ position on the protection of geographical indications under the Geographical Indic...

Striking hard against counterfeiters: Delhi court leverages Order VIII Rule 10 CPC for trademark and...
24 November 2024The Commercial District Court, Delhi, delivered a significant judgment in M/s Hindustan Unilever Limited v. Pramod Gupta & ors in CS (Comm.) No. 315/2019 under Order VIII Rule 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC).

No exclusive rights over Hot Mix: Delhi court denies relief in trademark infringement suit
31 October 2024A district court in Delhi refused to grant an injunction in the present suit concerning the infringement of rights under the trademark SHAH HOT MIX/SHAH (label). The plaintiff, Sunit Shah, proprietor of M/s Shah Namkeen, had filed a suit against the...