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Asia IP

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Co-existence: A bar to confusion

Are the ABS-CBN and Apple Podcast marks confusingly similar?

Clarivate names Top 100 new brands of 2023

The world of brands is changing, with the East growing in prominence in new brand creation: An incre...

Swatch AG v. Apple Inc.

This decision serves as a reminder that when opposing a trademark on bad faith, opponents and their...

South Korean startup beats Apple for a patent fight in the United States

The winner has not taken the grand prize yet as it still has one more patent to fight for. A Korean...

Former Apple senior patent counsel joins Brownstein in Los Angeles

Marcus Reeslund will oversee complex patent portfolios, patent prosecution and sophisticated IP asse...

Apple Watch might be banned for sale in the United States due to patent infringement

A local patent expert predicts the outcome of this quarrel.

Apple v. Swatch one more time: Now it’s ‘One More Thing’

Can Swatch trademark the phrase "One More Thing"?