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Patents and Annuity Debts: Lawyers weigh in on new move by Indonesia IP office

Patents and Annuity Debts: Lawyers weigh in on new move by Indonesia IP office

30 November 2019

IP applicants with existing annuity debts may be rejected.

The cost of hemp

The cost of hemp

30 November 2019

IP protection for hemp products in North America.

Proof of right: PCT applications designating India

Proof of right: PCT applications designating India

31 October 2019

Sanchita Ganguli explores PCT issues in India.

Revisiting long-established concepts on independent and dependent patent claims in Singapore

Revisiting long-established concepts on independent and dependent patent claims in Singapore

31 October 2019

Examination of (in)dependent claims continues to be in force.

Anticipation by prior claiming in India: The law and the practice

Anticipation by prior claiming in India: The law and the practice

31 October 2019

Which IP principle is often disregarded in India?

Taiwan implements patent linkage registration system

Taiwan implements patent linkage registration system

31 October 2019

Patent linkage system to facilitate growth of Taiwan biomed industry.

Received bonus and stock options are recognized as inventor’s remuneration

Received bonus and stock options are recognized as inventor’s remuneration

30 September 2019

Employer or employee: who owns rights to inventions?

Patent Prosecution Highway 2.0: Vietnam takes a familiar route with high hopes

Patent Prosecution Highway 2.0: Vietnam takes a familiar route with high hopes

30 September 2019

Vietnam begins new PPH pilot programme with South Korea.

Insights from India: The RCEP Free Trade Agreement

Insights from India: The RCEP Free Trade Agreement

30 September 2019

Three potentially damaging provisions of the RCEP FTA.

The 2019 Patent Rankings

The 2019 Patent Rankings

30 September 2019

Who are 2019's top APAC patent firms?

The Patent War.

The Patent War.

30 September 2019

What action should you take during a patent dispute?

Blockchain patent filings increasing, Asia strongly taking part

Blockchain patent filings increasing, Asia strongly taking part

30 September 2019

China no. 1 blockchain patent application filer in 2017.

Shortlist for the 2019 Asia IP Awards revealed

Shortlist for the 2019 Asia IP Awards revealed

22 October 2019

Awards to be presented on November 8 in Taipei.



31 January 2019

What is the parallel import situation in APAC?

Postponement Regimen on ‘Patent Working Requirements’ introduced by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Indonesia)

Postponement Regimen on ‘Patent Working Requirements’ introduced by the Ministry of Law and Human Ri...

14 November 2018

New law requires holders to "work" their patents in Indonesia.