IP Analysts

Looking Beyond The Novelty Lines
31 August 2022Inventions already in the public domain are not patentable. Novelty or anticipation are determined with reference to the statement of the claim of the patent application and they are likely to be tested during the entire life span of 20 years of a pa...

Notification of crop species in Indian Plant Variety Act: Recent developments
31 July 2022The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights, 2001 (the PVP Act) is a sui-generis system providing intellectual property rights on the plant varieties developed, in compliance with Article 27(3)(b) of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectua...

Thailand’s first judgment to test ecommerce platform liability for IP infringement
31 July 2022With the growth of technology and internet use, consumers are increasingly shifting toward online shopping. Ecommerce platforms have created useful and practical online transactions for products across borders.

Strategizing brand protection and management to augment company value
31 July 2022Without a proper trademark strategy, a company may become vulnerable to unnecessary challenges, including lawsuits around the company’s valuable IP assets. Madhu Rewari explains how building a strong brand protection and management strategy has a dir...

Medical use claims in ASEAN countries
31 May 2022A method of treatment of human or animal body is either considered a non-patentable subject matter or not capable of industrial application in ASEAN countries. However, some ASEAN countries allow amendments of method of treatment claims to medical us...

Plurality of distinct inventions: Distinct practices of India, Europe and the United States in the f...
31 May 2022Practitioners in the field of intellectual property – and more specifically in patents – are aware that patent protection is awarded to inventor(s) or applicant(s) only for a single invention or a group of closely related inventions in a patent appli...

The Protection of Traditional Knowledge Bill, 2022
30 April 2022India is a goldmine of traditional knowledge which, put in simple words, is ancient wisdom handed down from generation to generation, and organically imbued in one’s daily life. Every time we sit cross-legged while eating for better digestion, s...

Daimler AG v. Vivo Mobile Communication Co., Ltd.
30 April 2022The case concerns an opposition in Singapore by Daimler AG (the opponent) to a trademark application by Viva Mobile Communication Co. (the applicant) to register (the application mark). The opponent had opposed the application on two grounds: namely,...

TRIPS and international pressure on high-income countries to accept TRIPS waiver
30 April 2022In the wake of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there is an ever-growing urgent need to supply vaccines, new medicines and testing kits, protective clothing etc. With almost 5.9 million lives lost to the Covid-19 pandemic in the last two years (as per...