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Asia IP

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Manuka Honey trademark case in NZ underscores challenges related to “distinctiveness”

Auckland IP attorney Nadia Ormiston discusses key takeaways from the trademark case.

ASEAN businesses to get funding under WIPO-Singapore ASEAN Mediation Programme

Subsidized mediation to benefit business entities or individuals with IP or technology disputes.

Saudi Arabia’s IP Experts

Intellectual property owners received a boost late last year from none other than Crown Prince Moham...

Hong Kong’s IP Experts

If technology companies could predict their futures in Hong Kong, they might say that the future is...

‘Mystery shopper’ aids Saudi authorities in IP rights enforcement

Programme helped authorities issue nearly US$400,000 in fines.

Cooperatives in the Philippines get IP protection

This represents a significant step toward advancing IP awareness, advancing alternative dispute reso...

Ho-Hyun Nahm cited for 1,000th ADR decision

Lead partner at Barun IP & Law has made decisions at WIPO, NAF, IDRC

Philippine group lauds passing of house bill to call for changes to the IP code

This is a significant victory for the creative sector since the measure is getting closer to becomin...