Asia IP
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China Strategies Guide 2023
Protecting and managing your intellectual property assets in an economy as vast and varied as China’...
Vietnam gov’t issues Decree 65 providing guidelines for implementing provisions of amended IP law
IP lawyer discusses two remarkable points of Decree 65.
India’s IP office seeks comments, suggestions for manuals revision
Manuals and guidelines for revision are those for patents, designs, trademarks, GIs and copyright.
ASCI guidelines for advertising and promotion of virtual digital assets and services
A lack of structural framework for regulation of virtual digital assets, such as NFTs and cryptocurr...
INTA publishes Unfair Competition Laws Quick Guide
On September 14, 2021, INTA’s Board of Directors voted to approve a Board Resolution addressing adva...
Surrogate advertising: ASCI issues fresh guidelines for brand extension advertisements
Though not statutory in nature, ASCI has been recognized by law to the extent that the Advertising C...
Indonesia’s new patent examination guidelines for new use claims
The guidelines expand the scope of patentable subject matter to include second medical use.
IT’s Intermediary Guidelines, 2021: Willful blindness and lack of proactive steps will deny safe harbour
A significant section of these rules is dedicated to regulating intermediaries in the news and media...