Asia IP
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Improving Taiwan’s patent search application environment and local patent portfolios
The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office has completed two significant projects which will improve th...
Court’s endeavours will make injunction orders effective in trademark disputes
A recent order passed by the High Court of Delhi could urge courts to come up with different directi...
Asia IP Trademark Rankings 2022
The results of the survey are in. Find out which firms stood out from the rest.
When trademarks are used as a war strategy
Modern-age warfare is not limited to conventional forms of attack. Nations have recognized that trad...
Lessons for advertisers from Audi’s ad plagiarism scandal in China
A marketing attempt by Audi to impress the Chinese consumers with an advertisement embracing Chinese...
A look at trademark dilution – and how it impacts brands
The more successful the trademark is, the more likely it may become generic, which causes the tradem...
IP filing in multiple jurisdictions: How to navigate contrasting laws
Differences in legislation concerning intellectual property rights, how they are recognized and how...
Affixing a brand to a venue: How complicated can it get?
Affixing a brand name to a theatre, coliseum or stadium is becoming more common, and is already very...