Asia IP
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Thailand makes adjustments to various fees
It aims to align international search fees and reflect current exchange rates.
IP Australia implements fee changes effective October 1, 2024
The fee changes will ultimately benefit Australians, Australia’s innovation space and economy
China adjusts patent fees, reduction policies in CNIPA update
This is in accordance with two notices issued by the Ministry of Finance and the National Developmen...
Fees for services in Kazakhstan increase for registration of marks, GIs, etc.
With the fee increase in July 2023, lawyer questions the necessity of increasing them again.
50 percent reduction on industrial property fees in Vietnam extended until December 2024
Circular 43 and its benefit to those filing applications in large numbers, etc.
Uzbekistan cuts registration fees for foreign companies, impacts IP
This move impacts state obligations as well as advertising, trademarks, and intellectual property.
India gov’t publishes Draft GI of Goods (Registration and Protection) (Amendment) Rules, 2023
IP lawyer from Delhi suggests other much-needed amendments and why.
Vietnam reduces IP filing fee for pandemic-affected businesses, individual
Vietnam’s Minister of Finance issues Circular reducing collection rates for 36 fees and charges