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China’s new Trademark Law: In close scrutiny

China’s new Trademark Law: In close scrutiny

28 May 2019

The astronomical rise of trademark applications in China has been hailed as a great benefit to mark owners. But it isn’t all good news. Espie Angelica A. de Leon explains.

Trademarks & the Legal Market

Trademarks & the Legal Market

31 May 2019

As the trademark market heats up, competition for your trademark dollar is fierce. Johnny Chan delves into the legal market serving the trademark sector.

What's Your Status, Trademarkers?

What's Your Status, Trademarkers?

31 May 2019

Lawyers tell Johnny Chan about the trademark issues and developments they are facing.

INTA study explores Gen Z purchase behaviours, moral compass

INTA study explores Gen Z purchase behaviours, moral compass

31 May 2019

The International Trademark Association (INTA) this month released a comprehensive, multicountry research study that takes a deep dive into the behavior of Gen Z – the largest group of consumers worldwide by 2020 – when it comes to their relationship...

The 2019 Asia IP Trademark Survey

The 2019 Asia IP Trademark Survey

31 May 2019

And the top ranked trademark firms in APAC are...

Trademark for Public Pee Arises Morality Concern

Trademark for Public Pee Arises Morality Concern

30 April 2019

Registering a trademark contrary to public policy/morality?

Malaysia’s Trademark Legislation Goes Under the Knife

Malaysia’s Trademark Legislation Goes Under the Knife

30 April 2019

Malaysia was one of the 12 countries to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) back in 2016. Given the significance of the intellectual property chapter in the TPPA, the ratification of this treaty was seen to be very important, as it wo...

Intermediaries & IP infringement

Intermediaries & IP infringement

30 April 2019

What to do when an e-commerce site infringes on your trademark?

Key points of Chinese graphic trademarks searches

Key points of Chinese graphic trademarks searches

30 April 2017

As the number of trademark applications in China continues to grow, it has become more difficult to undertake graphic trademark searches. Hui Chen and Gang Hu explain how to make it a bit easier.

Crowded waters: Crocs Inc. can’t snap off other fish

Crowded waters: Crocs Inc. can’t snap off other fish

30 April 2019

A series of decisions in India have rejected a claim by Crocs Inc. that the design for its popular, lightweight shoe was infringed.

Infringers: Brandgame

Infringers: Brandgame

30 April 2019

Dennis To, legal director at Ralph Lauren in Hong Kong, told attendees at an International Trademark Association roundtable that because of Indonesia’s growing population and middle class – as well as strong domestic consumption – the brand must find...

WIPO cybersquatting cases grow by 12% to reach new record

WIPO cybersquatting cases grow by 12% to reach new record

29 March 2019

Trademark owners filed a record 3,447 cases under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) with WIPO’s Arbitration and Mediation Center in 2018 as businesses reacted to the proliferation of websites used for counterfeit sales, fraud,...

INTA submits amicus curiae brief on plain packaging laws

INTA submits amicus curiae brief on plain packaging laws

29 March 2019

INTA has submitted an amicus curiae brief to the World Trade Organization (WTO) Appellate Body Secretariat emphasizing the association's continuing concerns with Australia's plain packaging tobacco law (Image: Department of Health and Ageing, Governm...

IP Life Hacks

IP Life Hacks

28 February 2019

At last year’s INTA Annual Meeting in Seattle, lawyers from Asia and the Pacific pooled their collective knowledge for a session they called Life Hacks for Brand Protection in Asia-Pacific: 15 Tips and Tricks You Need to Know Now! This story, the fir...

Facing Off with Counterfeiters

Facing Off with Counterfeiters

28 February 2019

When it comes to beating back counterfeiters of sports merchandise, competitors on the field often join hands in battle. Gregory Glass reports.