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Company Makes Claim Against Customs

Company Makes Claim Against Customs

11 September 2012

Beer, Whisky and the Number 8

Beer, Whisky and the Number 8

11 September 2012

Sulit Domain Name Dispute Resolved

Sulit Domain Name Dispute Resolved

11 September 2012

Baker & McKenzie Promoted Nont Horayangura To Partner In Bangkok

Baker & McKenzie Promoted Nont Horayangura To Partner In Bangkok

07 September 2012

IP Litigator Johnny Chiu Joined Morrison & Foerster As Partner

IP Litigator Johnny Chiu Joined Morrison & Foerster As Partner

07 September 2012

Linh Mai Nguyen Joined Tilleke & Gibbins

Linh Mai Nguyen Joined Tilleke & Gibbins

07 September 2012

Australia Raises the Bar

Australia Raises the Bar

07 September 2012

Australia’s Raising the Bar Act brings its intellectual property laws forward by great leaps and bounds. Lawyers across Australia tell Gregory Glass the impacts the law will have on patents, trademarks and enforcement.

Australia Banks on Asian Ties

Australia Banks on Asian Ties

07 September 2012

The internationalization of the Australian legal profession has been called a natural evolution reflecting the importance of the country’s location and the strength of the Australian economy. Are Australians turning towards their...

The End of the Australian Law Firm?

The End of the Australian Law Firm?

07 September 2012

Is the end of the large, independent Australian law firm in sight? With several large Australian firms recently merging with Asian or global firms – DLA Phillips Fox with DLA Piper, Blake Dawson with Ashurt, Mallesons Stephen Jac...

Raising the Bar Allows Trademark, Patent Attorneys to Incorporate

Raising the Bar Allows Trademark, Patent Attorneys to Incorporate

07 September 2012

Asia IP’s Top Cases of 2011

Asia IP’s Top Cases of 2011

07 September 2012

Asia IP takes its annual look at the top cases of the previous year. Gregory Glass and Anna Zhang report from Hong Kong.

Bright Prospects for Chinese Culture Industry Investment

Bright Prospects for Chinese Culture Industry Investment

10 September 2012

Famous Trademarks Associated with the Motor Industry Through Formula 1

Famous Trademarks Associated with the Motor Industry Through Formula 1

10 September 2012

Division Bench Rules on Numeral 8 Trademark

Division Bench Rules on Numeral 8 Trademark

10 September 2012

Victoria’s Secret Victorious in Invalidation Case

Victoria’s Secret Victorious in Invalidation Case

10 September 2012

Yulchon’s IP team successfully argued for Victoria’s Secret that trademarks should be deemed as used if a Korean customer orders products with the trademarks attached thereto from the Victoria’s Secret website even though the&n...