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Keeping Your Secrets Safe

Keeping Your Secrets Safe

28 September 2012

You cannot afford to have your trade secrets and critical customer or technical information walk out the door. Cary A Levitt and Jeffrey Schultz examine what you need to do to keep your secrets safe.

Are Your Privacy Terms Worth the Paper They’re Written On?

Are Your Privacy Terms Worth the Paper They’re Written On?

20 September 2012

Personal data regulation takes a front seat for Hong Kong’s banking and finance industry.

Data Exclusivity: A Weapon Against Generics

Data Exclusivity: A Weapon Against Generics

20 September 2012

Baker & McKenzie Has Elected Isabella Liu Partner

Baker & McKenzie Has Elected Isabella Liu Partner

14 September 2012

Thammares Kittayatham Has Joined Tilleke & Gibbins

Thammares Kittayatham Has Joined Tilleke & Gibbins

10 September 2012

Double Coin in Dispute

Double Coin in Dispute

11 September 2012

An Indian court has recently affirmed earlier dictum that, in disputes over ownership of a trademark between a manufacturer and an importer or distributor, the decision will depend on the fact of each case. Manisha Singh Nair reports.

Company Makes Claim Against Customs

Company Makes Claim Against Customs

11 September 2012

IIPA Recommends Adding Brunei, Others to Special 301 List

IIPA Recommends Adding Brunei, Others to Special 301 List

28 August 2012

Ren Yunling Joined King & Wood As Partner in Beijing

Ren Yunling Joined King & Wood As Partner in Beijing

28 August 2012

Industrial Protection

Industrial Protection

28 August 2012

For some products, securing industrial design protection may not be cost effective, but for any product where the visual appearance provides all or part of the brand identification to the consumer, design protection is as critical as tradem...

MDTCC Seizes RM10 Million in 2011

MDTCC Seizes RM10 Million in 2011

27 August 2012

Keeping Fakes off the Streets

Keeping Fakes off the Streets

24 August 2012

Despite revised laws and stepped up enforcement efforts, intellectual property rights owners still struggle to protect their IP in Asia. Lawyers from around the region tell Gregory Glass why the task remains difficult.

Fake Products, Real Threat

Fake Products, Real Threat

24 August 2012

Despite strong intellectual property legislation, India remains a challenging country to protect brands. Ranjan Narula and Rahul Sethi discuss some tried-and-true strategies.

Suppressing Demand

Suppressing Demand

27 August 2012

Good laws and good enforcement alone won’t eliminate the demand for fake goods. Gregory Glass examines the challenges countries around the region face in educating consumers about counterfeits.

An Interpretation of New Sino-American Film Agreements

An Interpretation of New Sino-American Film Agreements

27 August 2012