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Branding Regulations in the Indian Food Industry

Branding Regulations in the Indian Food Industry

18 October 2012

600,000 Fakes Destroyed

600,000 Fakes Destroyed

19 October 2012

Software Piracy Cut Could Add Billions to Global Economy

Software Piracy Cut Could Add Billions to Global Economy

19 October 2012

Sanjay Kumar Has Been Named to Head The IP Division Of Lakshmi Kumaran & Sridharan

Sanjay Kumar Has Been Named to Head The IP Division Of Lakshmi Kumaran & Sridharan

19 October 2012

AJ Park Has Promoted Lawyers To Senior Associates

AJ Park Has Promoted Lawyers To Senior Associates

17 October 2012

Tilleke & Gibbins Has Promoted Lawyers To Partners In Bangkok

Tilleke & Gibbins Has Promoted Lawyers To Partners In Bangkok

17 October 2012

Enforcement of a Foreign Trademark in India

Enforcement of a Foreign Trademark in India

17 October 2012

Hotels, Restaurants Using Pirated CDs

Hotels, Restaurants Using Pirated CDs

18 October 2012

Luthra & Luthra Law Offices Have Formed An Anti-Piracy And Anti-Counterfeiting Practice

Luthra & Luthra Law Offices Have Formed An Anti-Piracy And Anti-Counterfeiting Practice

18 October 2012

To dotBrand or Not To dotBrand?

To dotBrand or Not To dotBrand?

16 October 2012

Should brand owners apply for their own generic “dotBrand” top level domain in 2011 or should they wait and see? Jannik Skou and Torsten Bettinger report.

Competitive Changes

Competitive Changes

16 October 2012

The Competition Act 2010 will bring change to Malaysia in 2012. Anand Raj and Jyeshta Mahendran report.

Pirates and Counterfeiters: Beware of ‘Oplan Holistic

Pirates and Counterfeiters: Beware of ‘Oplan Holistic

16 October 2012

A concentrated effort by the Philippines’ National Committee on Intellectual Property Rights is paying off, say Jennifer D Fajelagutan and Ian Mirandah.

Protection and Enforcement of Non-Conventional Trademarks in India

Protection and Enforcement of Non-Conventional Trademarks in India

16 October 2012

Asian Markets Named to Notorious List

Asian Markets Named to Notorious List

17 October 2012

Singapore, Japan Show High IPRI Scores

Singapore, Japan Show High IPRI Scores

17 October 2012