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In Depth

Your game plan: Is patent monitoring in it?

Your game plan: Is patent monitoring in it?

24 July 2024

Responsibility does not stop after securing that sought-after patent for an invention. Patent owners who do not conduct patent monitoring may be missing out on its benefits.

From pandemic to progress: Rowel Barba’s legacy at IPOPHL

From pandemic to progress: Rowel Barba’s legacy at IPOPHL

01 July 2024

Rowel Barba sits down to talk about Covid-19, counterfeiting, and his vision for his office’s next leader.

The latest rage called RAG

The latest rage called RAG

01 July 2024

Retrieval-augmented generation is all the rage in the tech world.

Maintaining rights over time – how the Philippines does it

Maintaining rights over time – how the Philippines does it

01 July 2024

Declarations of actual use act as a gatekeeper to make sure that marks aren’t just kept on hand, but used in the market.

Misappropriated Trademark Applications in Japan

Misappropriated Trademark Applications in Japan

31 May 2024

Trademark owners face potential risks in Japan when it comes to brokers who register marks unscrupulously. Aki Ryuka and Yichen Liu share some of the best preventative measures to combat misappropriated trademark applications.

What should we know about the names of drugs?

What should we know about the names of drugs?

31 May 2024

When it comes to naming drugs, there’s more to consider than simply coming up with a snappy trade name. Ling Zhao and Qin Li explain how to navigate the three types of commercial identification of pharmaceuticals: the generic name, the trade name and...

Combatting piracy in Southeast Asia: Insights from the Premier League

Combatting piracy in Southeast Asia: Insights from the Premier League

31 May 2024

The Premier League is one of the most-watched football leagues in the world. How does it combat the growing threat of piracy in Asia?

2024 Paris Olympics: Touting the novelty of an opening ceremony by the river

2024 Paris Olympics: Touting the novelty of an opening ceremony by the river

31 May 2024

Can a boat parade of athletes on the Seine be protected by copyright law?

Why your kids need to know their IP rights

Why your kids need to know their IP rights

31 May 2024

Children are more likely to take pride in their creative works if they understand the worth of their creative output.

The EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act: What does it mean for Asia and the rest of the world?

The EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act: What does it mean for Asia and the rest of the world?

31 May 2024

What does the EU’s groundbreaking AI Act mean for the rest of the world, including Asia?

Is your brand well-known in another country?

Is your brand well-known in another country?

31 May 2024

Understanding the ins and outs of well-known status and legal protections is vital.

Capitalizing on Paris 2024

Capitalizing on Paris 2024

30 May 2024

Just because millions of potential customers are watching the Olympics doesn’t mean that a company can use the excitement of the Games to market their brand.

Managing IP in a conflict zone

Managing IP in a conflict zone

30 April 2024

How can businesses protect their IP rights in the midst of safety hazards and geopolitical tension?

Licensing 101 for small business licensors

Licensing 101 for small business licensors

30 April 2024

Licensing is not reserved for multinationals and big-name brands alone

IP licensing: Disadvantages to the licensor

IP licensing: Disadvantages to the licensor

30 April 2024

Licensing can be a powerful tool for business growth and expansion. But be aware of the potential disadvantages that come with licensing.