Tips for restoring overlooked IP gaps
Wiramrudee Mokkhavesa, a partner at Tilleke & Gibbins in Bangkok, provides several tips to successfully restore your overlooked IP gaps:
Take an initial inventory. Knowing what intellectual property you have, what your IPRs are worth, how your IPRs are protected, and how they should be protected will help you gain the maximum value from your creations and developments. This can be difficult for a new venture, which may not know much about IP law and the scope of IP protections. At this first stage, you may need to consult with your company’s legal advisor. Then, you can evaluate the IPRs within the company’s broader portfolio of assets and can set the proper measures to manage them.
Ensure compliance. By obtaining full protection of your IPRs under the law, you can ensure compliance while also contributing to your company’s bottom line. For example, if you create a new trademark or brand, you should register the trademark or brand with the DIP. If you come up with a unique idea or invention, obtaining patent protection will give you the exclusive right over the invention and prevent unauthorized use by your competitors. Your company may consider recording copyrighted works with your jurisdiction’s intellectual property office to easily prove the company’s IPRs in the future.
Without the proper protection, some intellectual property may be walking right out the company’s door through employees, former employees, or visitors who are using email, data storage devices, the telephone, or just taking things home. Today’s employees may be tomorrow’s competitors.
Create an IP portfolio. After initially managing your IPRs, collecting and keeping evidence to prove that your company is the true owner of these IPRs is necessary so that you will be prepared in the event of any infringement or opposition in the future. Trademark owners should collect documents demonstrating the use of the trademark in their jurisdiction, such as advertisements, invoices showing sales figures of the mark, etc., to prove the well-known status of the mark, if that status is available in the jurisdiction. It is also crucial to manage the deadline or expiration date for each of your IPR registrations to ensure timely payment of annuity fees or renewal fees.
Enforce and exploit rights. Monitoring and enforcing your IPRs is also essential because the more popular your products become, the higher the chance that your IPRs will be infringed. If you learn that a competitor has infringed your IPRs, you should enforce your rights through the relevant government authorities, such as through raid actions against infringers or by administrative methods like sending a cease-and-desist letter or mediation through your jurisdiction’s IP office.
“By taking the simple steps outlined above, you can ensure that your IPRs are well-protected, which in turn will set a strong foundation for future innovation, faster growth, and improved profitability,” she says.