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Asia IP

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Vietnam’s intellectual property law amended to comply with CPTPP

On its road to joining the CPTPP, Vietnam has amended many of its intellectual property laws. Le Xua...

Trademark strategies for Cambodia

Sovath Phin provides tips and suggestions for securing, enforcing and commercializing your trademark...

Historic award of costs gives teeth to IP enforcement in India

Delhi High Court comes down heavily in a recent trademark infringement case.

India’s IP Landscape

Lawyers talk to Johnny Chan about India’s IP jurisprudence, policy, remedies and challenges.

Design Patents: An underestimated yet useful tool for IP protection

Design patents can be a powerful tool to protect innovative industrial designs. Mengmeng Yu and Xia...

Is there relief for passing-off of registered designs? The Delhi High Court says, ‘Yes, for now’

Indian courts continue to wrestle with the issue of whether a proprietor of a registered design can...

Protecting designs – An Indian perspective

How to best protect your designs in India.

Competition & IP

Johnny Chan dissects the intersection between competition and IP laws in India, as well as the adjud...