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Asia IP

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Election in the Philippines Respect IP Laws And Request Permission From Copyright Holders

With the upcoming presidential elections in May 2022, the Philippines is reminding all candidates an...

Copyright awareness on 1st Philippine Copyright Summit

The first-ever Philippine International Copyright Summit (PICS), hosted by the Intellectual Propoert...

"The Kingmaker" Found To Be Illegally Streaming In Some Sites

The Kingmaker, a documentary about Imelda Marcos and her involvement with her husband’s political an...

The dominancy test and likelihood of confusion

The KOLIN mark has been the subject of two landmark decisions in the Philippines, including the rece...

Number of IP Filings In The Philippines Increaes By 20% In First Half

The total number of IP applications was 22,919. The most significant rise was in utility model (UM)...

IP strategy for education institutions in the Philippines

As the Philippines works towards fulfilling the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals – incl...

7 key IP strategies in the Philippines

In this digital age, intangible assets, including intellectual property rights, are proving to be mo...

Philippine Experts Urge App Creators To Value IP Protection

Experts in the mobile app market from across the world are urging developers to protect their intell...