IP Distance Learning System Launched
03 May 2022

The IPOPHL Learning Activities Workspace (ILAW) was launched recently by the Intellectual Property Agency of the Philippines (IPOPHL), marking the first time an intellectual property (IP) office in Southeast Asia has supplied an online IP learning system to increase IP awareness. Director General Rowel S. Barba remarked, "In accordance with our digital transformation journey, our IP Academy has introduced ILAW to safeguard the health and safety of stakeholders amid the epidemic and the ultimate convenience of everyone desiring to learn IP." Through ILAW, the IP Academy, the nation's hub for IP education and professionalization, seeks to form future partnerships with educational institutions, government organizations, and international partners.

"Through ILAW, the IP Academy aligns with IPOPHL's BRIGHT Strategic Goals and seeks to promote ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) IP learning activities," said IP Academy Director Frederick P. Romero. ILAW currently offers beginning courses on intellectual property, trademarks, copyright, and patents. Lecture slides, interactive quizzes, and video presentations are all translated into Filipino in the courses. Visitors can also search for and register for forthcoming IPOPHL-hosted masterclasses aimed at more advanced IP learners. Over 1,000 people have registered on the ILAW site thus far, including people from China, Sri Lanka, Palestine, India, Kuwait, Nigeria, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. WIPO Academy Distance Learning Program Head Altaye Tedla said, "The ILAW affirms IPOPHL's continued commitment to integrate IP awareness knowledge and education with IP human resource development, and to deliver in-depth IP training for diverse stakeholders throughout the Philippines, including teachers, MSMEs, startups, creators, inventors, women and youth." "ILAW is in line with IPOPHL's goal of creating an IP-aware Philippines through balanced and effective IP learning and education, which would foster innovation and creativity among our people and drive more inclusive socioeconomic growth and development in the country," Barba said. Excel V. Dyquiangco