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Asia IP

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The grant of interim injunctions in lawsuits

Most cases in India come to some form of resolution after the interim injunction stage, which reduce...

Yuankai Lin named partner at RPC Premier

Lin noted for work in complex and high-stakes cross-border matters.

Xu Zhao joins AnJie Law Firm in Shanghai

Zhao specializes in patents, trademarks, trade secrets.

Jun Guo joins V&T Law in Shanghai

Guo holds dual Master’s degrees in law and medicine.

Rui Bai Law Firm adds China corporate head

Barbara Li known for TMT, FinTech work.

Ameet Kaur Purba joins LAW Partnership

Purba known for portfolio management in life sciences, oil and gas.

Can you really manage your IP rights while working from home?

Managing your IP from home: the pros and cons.

IP sector reacts to Covid-19

How are IP firms adjusting to the new normal?