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Asia IP

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Asian universities climb the rankings: What does it mean for the region’s IP scene?

As universities in the region continue climbing in global rankings, Asia IP asked lawyers in China,...

India’s Delhi Hight Court notifies IP Division Rules and Rules Governing Patent Suits

The Patent Rules simplify and strengthen the procedures for adjudication of patent infringement case...

Jennifer Waitman joins Kilpatrick Townsend in New York

Waitman brings extensive trademark prosecution experience in China, other jurisdictions.

Hong Kong Budget and its IP Implications

With the budget of Hong Kong for 2022-2023, which includes about HK$170 billion in expenditure plans...

Deferred examination: Patent strategy or business necessity?

With fierce competition growing, the explosion of patenting activity is visible in all patent jurisd...

The Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Renaissance clarifies the legal test for the infringement of trademarks

On January 19, 2022, India’s apex court delivered its decision in Renaissance Hotel Holdings Inc v....

In the matter of a trademark application by Health & Happiness Hong Kong Limited, and opposition thereto by Monster Energy Company

The application mark was used in relation to a communications enterprise that provided tailor-made s...

Asian universities doing well in int’l rankings, set examples for good IP strategy, IP lawyer says

Universities from Asia are flexing their muscle, with more educational institutions from the region...