Asia IP
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What is so inventive about the invention?
Inventive step has long been the main stumbling block for inventors seeking a patent for their inven...
The trends in IP in 2023
Digital assets have been the name of the game for IP lawyers in 2022, from the Metaverse to NFTs and...
IPOPHL to stop counterfeiting in marketplaces
This is in response to the Counterfeit and Piracy Watch List of the European Commission.
With the economy and IP awareness moving more quickly, Jan.–Sept. 2022 IP filings increased by 4.4% YoY
The boost was driven by a 5.6% increase in trademark filings.
Philippines Reports Counterfeiting and Piracy, Complaints Decline In 2022
As compared to last year, the Philippines reports a 40% drop of counterfeiting and piracy reports.
Aretha Legal launches in Delhi and Bengaluru on strength of its three founders
Firm has named Nishi Shabana to head its IP practice.
Ashurst announces joint venture with Korean law firm HwaHyun
Mid-sized firm HwaHyun specializes in corporate, IP&T and dispute resolution work.
Tram Ngoc Bich Nguyen joins Tilleke & Gibbins in Ho Chi Minh City
Nguyen’s practice focuses on foreign investment, ecommerce, fintech and data privacy.