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Asia IP

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India: Note on Nokia v. Opposition

Delhi High Court rules for Nokia – and SEP holders – in an unprecedented case.

Trademark filing goes online in Pakistan

The e-filing system is part of IPO-Pakistan’s efforts to digitalize functions of IP offices.

Singapore - Substantiation of Allegation of Bad Faith May Entitle Tribunal to Declare A Trademark Invalid

Swiss Company Vetements Group AG (the “Applicant”) sought to invalidate the following mark

The unitary patent in Europe: How will it affect Asia and the Pacific?

With the June 1 debut of Europe’s unitary patent, Excel V. Dyquiangco talks to APAC lawyers about ho...

Asia IP’s editorial team reveals China’s top IP firms 2023, practices

Steadily improving protection of intellectual property rights has been a key element of China’s rise...

AI does not signal the death of trademarks, IP lawyers say

Speakers at one of the sessions held during the 2023 INTA Annual Meeting Live+ from May 16 to 20, 20...