Trademark filing goes online in Pakistan
30 June 2023

Filing for trademark registration in Pakistan is now online.
On June 14, 2023, the Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan (IPO-Pakistan) and the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) launched the e-filing system, designed by the PITB, with an online payment feature.
“The online filing system aims to provide a hassle-free procedure for filing trademark applications with the Trade Marks Registry in a cost- and time-efficient manner. It will be critical to providing a straight-forward system for filing applications, with the ability to make online payments, and move away from producing physical documents,” said Sana Shaikh Fikree, a senior associate at Vellani & Vellani in Karachi.
Digitalization initiatives for copyright, patent, design and geographical indication applications are also being undertaken by IPO-Pakistan.
“The launch of the online filing system is a result of the unwavering efforts of IPO to digitalize the functions of the IP offices, namely Trade Marks Registry, Patent Office and Copyright Office. We are hopeful to see similar online regimes for conducting online searches through digitalized records of the IP offices,” added Fikree.
- Espie Angelica A. de Leon