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Asia IP

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Patentability of Computer Related or Implemented Inventions (CRIs or CIIs) in Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and India

Patent legislation and practice in the patentability assessment of computer related or implemented i...

Intermediaries & IP infringement

What to do when an e-commerce site infringes on your trademark?

RISING CHINA - China’s strong innovation performance closes in on the US

From science and technology hubs across China, remarkable changes are occurring – and the US, long a...

David Case Forms His Own Firm, Asia Pacific Law

David Case, a long-time US lawyer working in Japan, has left Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe to form...

Khaitan & Co Promotes 13 Lawyers

Khaitan & Co has promoted 11 principal associates to partners and two principal associates to counse...

Crowded waters: Crocs Inc. can’t snap off other fish

A series of decisions in India have rejected a claim by Crocs Inc. that the design for its popular,...

Earl Gray Becomes Independent Barrister Affiliated With Sangro Chambers In Auckland

Earl Gray has left Simpson Grierson and has become an independent barrister affiliated with Sangro C...

Khin Leinmar Ban Aye (Lein Lein) Promoted To Partner At Kelvin Chia Partnership Yangon

Khin Leinmar Ban Aye (Lein Lein) has been promoted to partner at Kelvin Chia Partnership Yangon. She...