Asia IP
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IPOPHL, WIPO hold Asian Innovation conference
Event supports accelerated development of innovation ecosystems, skills and capacities in IP managem...
ASEAN: Emerging trends in Southeast Asia’s autonomous vehicle patent landscape
While there has been an unprecedented interest in Southeast Asia as a patent filing destination, the...
Linklaters launches Making Links Asia University Programme in Asia, Middle East
Global firm announces expansion of programme that runs in the UK, Europe and the United States.
Consumers nowadays play a more active role in developing brand experiences
Sustainability has become a crucial aspect of the licensing business. Ivy Choi discusses the signi...
Asia IP Trademark Rankings 2023
Unveiling the top trademark firms of 2023 - Discover the standout performers.
The unitary patent in Europe: How will it affect Asia and the Pacific?
With the June 1 debut of Europe’s unitary patent, Excel V. Dyquiangco talks to APAC lawyers about ho...
Asia IP’s editorial team reveals China’s top IP firms 2023, practices
Steadily improving protection of intellectual property rights has been a key element of China’s rise...
Fair Isaac Corporation v. LAC Co., Ltd [2022] SGIPOS 19
What happens when a later trademark incorporates an earlier one, especially when many other trademar...