Asia IP
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How skilled is a “Person Skilled In The Art” supposed to be?
Patent laws of various jurisdictions stipulate inventive step as one of the requirements for patenta...
The Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Renaissance clarifies the legal test for the infringement of trademarks
On January 19, 2022, India’s apex court delivered its decision in Renaissance Hotel Holdings Inc v....
In the matter of a trademark application by Health & Happiness Hong Kong Limited, and opposition thereto by Monster Energy Company
The application mark was used in relation to a communications enterprise that provided tailor-made s...
India’s IP Experts
We reveal India's leading IP Experts
New IP trends in culture and the arts
IP protection is critical to sustaining a flourishing creative economy. Excel V. Dyquiangco examines...
PH had 2nd biggest share of female applicants for international patents among 74 countries in 2021
What qualities do women have that make them valuable inventors and patent right owners?
Helen Clarke joins JWS to expand firm’s TMT offering
Brisbane-based Clarke acts in health, financial services, telecoms sectors.
Emmy Chow named partner at Deacons in Hong Kong
IP lawyer advises on Hong Kong, international trademark protection.