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Asia IP

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What does ‘benchmark’ mean? Copyright case involving baby snack brands tackles question

Case will likely make companies rethink the design process for their packaging – IP lawyer

Mumbai court acquits man in 33-year copyright infringement case largely due to absence of witnesses

The court should have dealt with the case in more detail, says IP lawyer.

Interesting argument in copyright infringement case involving Harper’s Bazaar India, celebrity news agency

Disabling an entire social media page v. disabling just the infringing content

Homegrown dairy brand from India wins trademark, copyright infringement case in Canada

The Federal Court of Canada ruled in favor of Amul, a famous homegrown dairy brand from India, in a...

Defendant files appeal in copyright infringement case involving ‘80s hit song by Twisted Sister

Australian real estate and mining mogul Clive Palmer filed an appeal last May on the copyright infri...