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Asia IP

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Protecting consumer interests in trademark examinations

Consumer interests are increasingly important considerations in the examination and trial of tradema...

China: Notarial protection of trademark rights

As China’s economy and technology have continued to develop, there has been an increasing demand for...

Singapore: Dispute over trademark rights to famous “Eng’s” noodle shop decided in favour of late founder’s heirs

A June 2022 decision by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) provided a first instan...

Perimeter set for application of exhaustion of trademark rights

With rapid upgrading of electronic products, recycling trademarked products selling the refurbished...

Strategies against abuse of trademark rights

In today’s fierce competition among brands, the role of the trademark has increasingly attracted peo...

Protecting Trademark Rights under Coexistence

In some parts of the world, use of the trademark coexistence doctrine is commonplace. Xia Zheng, Jin...

Criminal Enforcement of Trademark Rights in Singapore and Malaysia

At a time when legal costs are escalating, criminal enforcement measures in Singapore and Malaysia&n...

Enforcement of Trademark Rights in Kazakhstan

With the advent of Kazakhstan’s market economy, breaches of trademark rights have become ...