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Asia IP

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Classical trinity of passing off analyzed

The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) decision in ZERODENSITY YAZILIM ANONIM SIRKETI...

Key takeaways from IPOS trademark case involving Monster Energy Company, YG Entertainment

IP lawyer discusses salient points of the case including the importance of consumer perception

India’s Mediation Act of 2023

What does the act mean to India’s legal system and IP rights owners?

Without image rights, social media influencers have other options in Singapore

IP attorney discusses these alternatives to image rights.

Trademark professionals reminded: Be careful when filing evidence of use, or first use

IP attorney gives advice on the heels of bicycle numeral marks dispute in India

Paving the ‘Passing Off’ Lane: India’s Toyota Prius Judgment

India's Supreme Court departs from passing off precedents.

Key Issues in Infringement and Passing Off Cases in India

Litigation can be a tedious and expensive affair in India. Aditi Kulkarni and Akshata Kamath examine...