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Asia IP

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India’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry publishes draft Trade Marks Rules, 2024

Progressive, but rules contain ambiguities and drawbacks, say IP lawyers.

India gov’t publishes Draft GI of Goods (Registration and Protection) (Amendment) Rules, 2023

IP lawyer from Delhi suggests other much-needed amendments and why.

Hermes logo gets “well-known trademark” status in India

IP attorney discusses “well-known trademark” status and how it will affect India’s trademark scene

Indian IP Improvements

While the lengthy process to obtain decisions from Indian courts remains a prime challenge to protec...

India’s Copyright Law Extended to Technology

Before India amended its Copyright Act in 2012, software was the only technology governed by th...

Enforcement Options in Malaysia Lag, But Show ‘Strong Growth Potential’

While Malaysia has made great strides in increasing the awareness of intellectual property rights, p...