Syndicate Uses Truck as a Mobile DVD Store
03 October 2012

A syndicate distributing pirated VCDs and DVDs, including pornographic films, was uncovered after a truck was seized at Kampung Seri Nilai, according to a news report in the New Straits Times.
The report said that enforcement officers from the state Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Department seized the one-ton truck, which was parked at an open space near a housing area.
The department’s director, Norashiken Ishak, told the newspaper that the department was acting on a tip off and found 14,848 pirated discs, valued at RM148,000 (US$44,000), inside the truck.
“The lorry was operating as a mobile store. It was equipped with racks filled with the discs, which we believe were to be distributed to customers in the housing area,” she told the newspaper.
The newspaper reported that the seizure, which occurred in late 2009, was the largest in the state during the year.