IPOPHL And NCIPR Destroyed Pharmaceutical Counterfeits
28 April 2014

On April 26, 2014, the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) and the members of the National Committee on Intellectual Property Rights (NCIPR) gathered at the Manila International Container Port, City of Manila for the ceremonial destruction of counterfeit pharmaceutical goods.
The NCIPR, headed by IPOPHL Deputy Director General Allan Gepty, has remained steadfast in its commitment to attain a counterfeit-free Philippines and ultimately obtain an effective IPR protection and enforcement in the country. The combined enforcement operations conducted by the law enforcement agencies under the NCIPR brought about an estimated total value of P7,811,608,211 (US$175 million) in 2013. For the first quarter of 2014, a total value of P6,239,574,942.51 (US$140 million) has already been reached.
The IPOPHL has been making vigorous efforts to address enforcement of intellectual property rights. Remarkable initiatives have been pursued, such as: the enactment of RA 10372 or the Amendments to the IP Code that now gives enforcement and visitorial powers to IPOPHL and the adoption of an Action Plan on IPR Protection and Enforcement where public education and awareness and capacity building for relevant institutions especially in the judiciary are being undertaken, among others.
IPOPHL Director General Ricardo Blancaflor recognized the valuable efforts of the NCIPR members and stressed that it is their continuing efforts that remain to be the main force in the Philippine IPR enforcement regime. He congratulated the members, especially the Bureau of Customs headed by Commissioner John Phillip Sevilla and the Food and Drug Administration under the helm of Director General Kenneth Hartigan-Go that made the ceremonial destruction activity possible.
DG Blancaflor expressed his hope for the Philippines to be finally removed from the United States Trade Representative “Special 301” Report as early this year the call for the Philippines to be removed from the watchlist has received support from the international community.