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Government Introduces Cyber-security Code

19 December 2012

Government Introduces Cyber-security Code

Attorney General Robert McClelland and Senator Stephen Conroy, the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, have announced that a voluntary code for internet service providers to assist in protecting Australians from online threats comes into effect from today.


The ISP Code of Practice on cyber security will provide a set of guidelines for ISPs to follow and contains four main elements:


• a notification/management system for compromised computers;


• a comprehensive resource for ISPs to access the latest threat information;


• a standardized information resource for end users; and


• a reporting mechanism to alert Australia’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT Australia) to cases of extreme threat.


The Code, known as the ‘icode,’ has been developed by the Internet Industry Association in partnership with the Australian Government and fulfils a major priority of the Government’s Cyber Security Strategy.


McClelland said ISPs have an important role to play in the cyber security of their customers. “The Government’s cyber security strategy recognizes that ISPs occupy a unique position as Australian’s gateway to the internet and are crucial in protecting the cyber security of internet users,” he said.


Conroy commended the Internet Industry Association on the initiative. “The Code of Practice provides a consistent approach to help ISPs inform, educate and protect their customers in relation to cyber security issues,” he said. “It is a positive step that has attracted significant international interest, and I encourage all Australian ISPs to sign on and comply with it.”


The ISP Code builds on the Australian Internet Security Initiative which provides participating ISPs with information about compromised computers on their networks. There are currently more than 90 ISPs that participate in this initiative, representing over 90% of the home user market.