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Use of patents as spokes in competitors' wheels

Use of patents as spokes in competitors' wheels

30 April 2021

SEP and the Cities

SEP and the Cities

30 April 2021

In this ever-changing world, licensors and licensees must keep up with the global nature of the standard essential patent market, or their corporate decisions would be negatively affected. Johnny Chan reports.

How will Covid-19’s virus variants impact Asia’s patent scene?

How will Covid-19’s virus variants impact Asia’s patent scene?

30 April 2021

Asia IP spoke with lawyers across the region about how the ever-evolving coronavirus, and scientists’ efforts to stop it, will impact patent filings in Asia. Espie Angelica A. de Leon reports.

Video Interview - Chatbots: a way to immortalize the dead?

Video Interview - Chatbots: a way to immortalize the dead?

05 May 2021

A couple of months ago, a software giant secured a patent for apps that could reincarnate people as a chatbot. What are the potential IP issues?

Asia IP’s editorial team reveals China’s top IP firms, practices

Asia IP’s editorial team reveals China’s top IP firms, practices

30 April 2021

And the winners of the 2021 Asia IP China Awards are...

OrbitX Joins LOT Network

OrbitX Joins LOT Network

29 April 2021

OrbitX is the Philippines' first private space company.

Yen Yen Oon named head of patents and industrial designs at Henry Goh Malaysia

Yen Yen Oon named head of patents and industrial designs at Henry Goh Malaysia

23 April 2021

Kuala Lumpur-based patent agent handles drafting, prosecution and contentious matters in Malaysia and internationally.

Pharvishaa Divya joins LAW Partnership in Kuala Lumpur

Pharvishaa Divya joins LAW Partnership in Kuala Lumpur

23 April 2021

Divya also consults in the firm’s new Singapore-based IP consultancy.

Months into the pandemic, what has been the effect on IP registration?

Months into the pandemic, what has been the effect on IP registration?

31 March 2021

In many countries in Asia, not surprisingly, there has been a steady number or decrease of registrations, but for very different reasons.

Indonesia's IP Experts 2021

Indonesia's IP Experts 2021

31 March 2021

And the top IP lawyers in Indonesia this year are...

The Philippines' IP Experts 2021

The Philippines' IP Experts 2021

31 March 2021

Who are the top IP experts in the Philippines?

Nokia and Lenovo conclude patent cross-licensing agreement

Nokia and Lenovo conclude patent cross-licensing agreement

20 April 2021

Before this harmonious ending, the two had been in battles of court across various countries for the past couple of years.

Centre Promulgates Tribunal Reforms Ordinance

Centre Promulgates Tribunal Reforms Ordinance

20 April 2021

According to Mudit Kaushik, the stakeholders remain slightly concerned as to the functioning and handling of the relevant matters by the High Courts.

Video Interview: Brain Interfacing and the Patent System

Video Interview: Brain Interfacing and the Patent System

13 April 2021

How will the relatively new technology of brain interfacing affect our patent system in the future?

The reach of the right to repair patented goods

The reach of the right to repair patented goods

31 March 2021

It is normally believed that once a patentee has sold patented goods, the purchaser gets the exclusive right to use the goods as he deems fit. But is this this case?