Laos’ IP Experts 2023
30 November 2023

The government of Laos convened its first Ministerial Conference on Blockchain 4.0 Digital Transformation in Vientiane in May 2023, its first step in advancing the country’s digital transformation through digital technology. The conference, which was led by Laotian Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone, was attended by blockchain experts and various leaders from the main economic departments within the country.
According to a report from Singaporean software company MetaBank, the conference introduced the concept of Blockchain 4.0, emphasizing the significance of open collaboration and positioning Laos as a catalyst and beneficiary of the emerging global digital landscape.
MetaBank is a partner organization of the Laotian Ministry of Technology. The two organizations are planning to create a blockchain research and development center to support Laos’ Blockchain 4.0 initiative.
The conference outlined goals for Laos’ digital economy development, including using digital technology to generate new fiscal revenue, bolster foreign exchange reserves, curb inflation, foster sustainable economic growth, enhance living standards and boost international competitiveness in the short term, the report said. The event also proposed the creation of a Blockchain Technology Transformation Committee that would work to ensure legal compliance and draft legislation relevant to the digital economy.
During the conference, media reports said that Siphandone emphasized the importance of integrating blockchain technology into government processes and that the country should utilize it for administrative management. He said that using blockchain technology would be essential to achieving Laos’ ninth five-year plan for national, economic and social development.
Should the government succeed in its digitalization goals, we see a bright future for the country’s intellectual property lawyers, many of whom work closely on Blockchain and other tech matters. There are a number of high-level intellectual property lawyers in the country, whom Asia IP is pleased to name to our list of Laos’ IP Experts.
Most of the lawyers named to our list have multiple practice specialties. Many of them are litigators, while others concentrate on prosecution work or provide strategic advice.
All of them have something in common: they are experts in their fields and, in one way or another, they provide extra value for their clients. They are Asia IP’s Laos’ IP Experts. – GREGORY GLASS
Laos’ IP Experts is based solely on independent editorial research conducted by Asia IP. As part of this project, we turned to in-house counsel in Laos, Southeast Asia and elsewhere around the world, as well as Cambodia-focused partners at international law firms, and asked them to nominate private-practice lawyers including foreign legal consultants, advisers and counsel.
The final list reflects the nominations received combined with the input of the editorial team at Asia IP, which has more than 45 years of collective experience in researching and understanding the Laos legal market.
All private-practice intellectual property lawyers in Laos were eligible for inclusion in the nomination process; there were no fees or any other requirements for inclusion in the process.
The names of our 10 IP Experts are published here. Each IP Expert was given the opportunity to include their biography and contact details in print and on our website, for which a fee was charged.