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Asia IP

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IPOS, WIPO launch WIPO-ASEAN Mediation Programme

What you need to know about the AMP+ and how to apply

Uzbekistan joins the Hague System

This is an important turning point for Central Asia, as the country’s standing in global commerce an...

BIP Asia Forum 2024 focuses on innovation and IP financing

It highlighted the critical role of IP in shaping the future of business and society and the need fo...

Indonesia, WIPO hold week-long online lectures on IP

The attendees which totaled 1,849 were from Universitas Indonesia and Universitas Padjadjaran in Ind...

IPOPHL, WIPO advance IP valuation knowledge of over 100 tech managers, entrepreneurs

The seminar included both basic and advanced lectures on valuation.

Singapore rises to 4th spot in WIPO’s Global Innovation Index

Singapore claimed the highest ranking in over a decade while retaining top spot in SEAO.

Malaysia joins WIPO Alert

WIPO Alert is an online tool that lets law enforcement organizations post and retrieve lists of webs...