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Asia IP

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Vietnam’s Ministry of Science and Technology issues Circular 23/2023/TT-BKHCN

The circular provides the regulations for several provisions of the amended IP law.

Clampdown on digital piracy: Vietnam to form specialized unit for the task

The move is encouraging for a country where copyright infringement is sometimes associated with orga...

Global Innovation Index 2023: India, Vietnam overperform for 13 consecutive years

IP lawyers from Gurugram and Ho Chi Minh discuss why their countries have been overperforming.

Consumer interest: In trademark litigation, are consumers the missing party?

There is a growing belief that the consumer is a crucial third party missing from the courtroom. Esp...

Vietnam’s draft revision to Law on Organization of the People’s Courts for discussion in November

Among others, the draft law provides for the creation of specialized intellectual property courts.

Genuine, fake goods on display at Hanoi exhibit

The exhibit aims to educate people in Vietnam on counterfeiting and trademark protection.

Vietnam’s IP Experts 2023

Vietnam is enthusiastically working with the World Intellectual Property Organization to do its part...