Asia IP
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INTA trademark administrators, practitioners meeting set for Berlin
INTA will be holding its Trademark Administrators and Practitioners (TMAP) Meeting in Berlin in Sept...
China’s new Trademark Law: In close scrutiny
The astronomical rise of trademark applications in China has been hailed as a great benefit to mark...
Trademarks & the Legal Market
As the trademark market heats up, competition for your trademark dollar is fierce. Johnny Chan delve...
What's Your Status, Trademarkers?
Lawyers tell Johnny Chan about the trademark issues and developments they are facing.
The 2019 Asia IP Trademark Survey
And the top ranked trademark firms in APAC are...
Trademark for Public Pee Arises Morality Concern
Registering a trademark contrary to public policy/morality?
Malaysia’s Trademark Legislation Goes Under the Knife
Malaysia was one of the 12 countries to sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) back in...
Key points of Chinese graphic trademarks searches
As the number of trademark applications in China continues to grow, it has become more difficult to...