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Asia IP

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Owners of registered trademarks in Australia fall victim to scam

Sudden change of addresses for service for registered and pending trademarks sparks concerns.

New Balance trademark case in Kazakhstan ends with amicable settlement

Correct, timely collection of evidence crucial especially in disputes involving ecommerce

Trademark lawsuit forces established Aussie sheepskin boots brand to change name

Ugg boots and misappropriation of culturally associated terms as trademarks

Application of the dominancy test

On November 26, 2024, the Office of the Director General (ODG) of the Intellectual Property Office o...

Trust everybody, but cut the cards

It happens again and again with disturbing regularity. Russian companies are eager to collaborate wi...

Bad faith as grounds for rejecting a trademark application

Memo Circular No. 2023-001 is crucial for prosecuting trademark applications in the Philippines, des...