Asia IP
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Opponents of patent applications for HIV prevention drug in India cry “evergreening”
Crystalline forms of known compound not an invention, patents to limit access to affordable drugs
Malaysia extends durian IP protection for 10 more years
The renewal, according to Agriculture and Food Security Minister, shows that the Musang King durian...
IPOPHL to aspiring political candidates: Respect IP rights
IPOPHL reminds candidates to obtain permission from artists before turning their creations into camp...
AI increasingly critical in patent search, data analytics
Patent search is faster, more accurate, data analytics more efficient despite vast amounts of data
Seeds of change: How expiring patents are cultivating agricultural diversity
The commercialization of agricultural innovations is driven by IP laws, with patents playing a centr...
Vietnam releases first draft of new Law on Personal Data Protection
Draft law is comprehensive, but some requirements for consent are inconsistently scattered, lawyer s...