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Asia IP

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Legislation for trade secrets protection being recommended in India

The Draft Protection of Trade Secrets Bill 2024 and why it is a welcome move

INTA files intervention on interpretation of ‘article’ under India’s Designs Act, 2000

The International Trademark Association (INTA) has filed an intervention before the Delhi High Court...

Saudi Arabia embraces international IP standards; SAIP adopts e-portal system

These changes will bring increased efficiency, alignment with international standards and longer des...

India’s Draft Patent (Amendment) Rules, 2024 notified

Among others, examination timeline now down from 48 to 31 months, speeding up patent registration.

Trademarks for sale: The buying and selling of mark rights

Asian entities are leading the world in buying up existing trademarks, and are increasingly heavily...

Dunbar & Lim Chambers launches in Singapore

Simon Dunbar, Kevin Lim noted for international arbitrations, including tech, telecoms and JV work.

China, India drive increase in global patent filings in 2022

Gov’t initiatives, policy reforms and Covid-19 boosted resident patent applications in India