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Asia IP

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Nuttaphol Arammuang joins Tilleke & Gibbins as partner

Arammuang focuses on providing strategic counsel and representation to corporate clients.

Nuttaphol Arammuang named head of Rajah & Tann’s new Thai IP practice

Nuttaphol brings 20 years’ experience to R&T Asia.

Australian politician may take further legal action for copyright infringement of online photo

South Australian independent federal MP Rebekha Sharkie threatened to take further legal action agai...

Who owns your wedding photos? Changes to first ownership rights highlight Singapore’s amended Copyright Act

Who owns the rights to your wedding photos? Singaporeans are long accustomed to owning the rights of...

Singapore’s amended Copyright Act grants rights over wedding photos to photographers

Creators of photographs, portraits, engravings, sound recordings and films will become the default f...

Shanghai high court upholds trademark infringement ruling for Fendi

A local expert comments on the case and provides tips to global brands on how to better protect thei...

China closes loophole on trademark infringement for original equipment manufacturing

In a recent ruling, China proves to have listened to the voices of foreign brands by protecting thei...