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Asia IP

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Strengthening IP in the Philippines

IP enforcement rights remain strong in the Philippines.

Identifying Singapore's Leading IP Experts

Nominate Singapore's top IP lawyers.

Trade secret protection in the Philippines

Trade secrets can cover any information that is not generally known or readily ascertainable by the...

Interpretation of Rules 610 and 611 of the Philippines’ Revised IRR for Patents and IPOPHL BOP Memorandum Circular 18-003

Following the issuance of Memorandum 18-003 on September 17, 2018 by Lolibeth R. Medrano, the direct...

IP Filings Boom in the Philippines

A strong increase in IP filings in the Philippines leads to the obvious question: Why? Gregory Glass...

Protecting Industrial Design Rights in the Philippines

How are designs protected in the Philippines?

Accelerated Examination in the Philippines Through PPH Partnership with EPO

In recent years, the European Patent Office (EPO) has partnered with several domestic patent offices...