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Asia IP

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Your game plan: Is patent monitoring in it?

Responsibility does not stop after securing that sought-after patent for an invention. Patent owners...

Protecting software and computer-implemented inventions

Software is now a vital part of innovation across various sectors, but many nations lack sufficient...

Dr. Who Water Works Pte Ltd and others v Dr. Who (M) Sdn Bhd and others

When IP disputes arise, it is important for the disputing parties to honour settlement agreements. B...

The adverse effect of adverbs in patent specifications

Do you know that there are certain words (adverbs in particular) or phrases that can alter the meani...

It’s time to update your patent protection strategies in China

Why is administrative adjudication the preferred way to resolve patent infringement disputes?

Singapore Patent Protection Examined in Car Crash Camera Case

The judgment in Lee Tat Cheng v Maka GPS Technologies Pte Ltd [2017] SGHC 48 concerned an infringeme...

Trade Secret and Patent Protection in China

A trade secret is defined as technical information and operational information which is unknown to t...