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Asia IP

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Patent 10 Million

Experts across Asia and the Pacific take Johnny Chan to see the latest in patent work in their juris...

Infringers: Profanity War

For the past decade, Asia IP has covered numerous trademark infringement cases. Some have simply bee...

Eureka! Eureka! Discovery Made Easier by South Korea Patent Act Amendment

An amendment to South Korea’s patent law will expand the scope of discovery, but Michelle Ko e...

Before Sue-rise

Much can be done by both law firms and companies to resolve disputes before hitting litigation. John...

LESI 2017’s Augmented Reality

Whether you are an attendee of LESI 2017 or not, this feature will help you dive into the kaleidosco...

South Korea Crowned King of Innovation

South Korea tops the 2017 Bloomberg Innovation Index, which leads to a lively intellectual property&...

Fantastic Rights and Where to Use Them

The complete guide to outsourcing IP work.