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Asia IP

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Singapore's Tobacco Plain Packaging Law: The Effect on Intellectual Property Rights

Singapore has announced the "plain packaging" law for tobacco products sold within the country form...

Kazakhstan: Overcoming Provisional Refusals of International Trademark Registration

Kazakhstan’s accession to Madrid has brought the country’s trademark regime to the foref...

Intellectual Property Rights for Plants in Australia

In Australia, new plant varieties can be protected by both Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR) and pa...

Intellectual Property Rights in the New Frontier Economy

Often referred to as Asia’s last frontier, Myanmar is considered as one of the region’s...

Border Enforcement Measures in India

  Intellectual property right holders in India are able to enforce their rights at th...

Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in India

Enforcement of IP rights has been pursued as a priority in most developing economies, as in India.&n...