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Asia IP

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Trademark prosecution issues reaching the ODG

To guide both trademark practitioners and applicants in determining the registrability risk that the...

The Philippines celebrates National Intellectual Property Month

The theme for the IP Month is “IP and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).”

The inheritance of IP rights

Most people aren’t aware that inheritance of IP rights is possible – and that it comes with complica...

IP boutique China Smart IP joins Wanhuida

Daniel Jiang named co-chair of Wanhuida’s patent prosecution practice.

India’s IP and competition laws: Complementary or conflicting?

Indian IP owners face a delicate balance between commercialization and running afoul of the country’...

Navigating the intersection of generative AI and IP

As generative AI becomes an effective tool assisting humans with their day-to-day work, lawyers also...

How Web 3.0 revolutionizes intellectual property: NFTS, DAOS and decentralized ownership

The decentralized nature of the new Web 3.0 may disrupt traditional notions of IP ownership and cont...

GIPC 2024: How do you protect your brand?

Protecting your brand may be expensive, but it is an investment.