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Asia IP

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ENZAFruit wins infringement case against local grower in China

The victory also boosts confidence in the agrifood industry in China and its ability to address infr...

Lessons from copyright infringement, forgery issues involving Bangladeshi song

Dhaka lawyer says importance of due diligence, efficient enforcement mechanisms, need for awareness...

Nepal’s government perceives intellectual property as less prioritized field, says IP lawyer

Delay in passing the Comprehensive IP Bill are impacting the country’s outlook for foreign investmen...

India’s Mediation Act of 2023

What does the act mean to India’s legal system and IP rights owners?

Consumer interest: In trademark litigation, are consumers the missing party?

There is a growing belief that the consumer is a crucial third party missing from the courtroom. Esp...

Dr. Who Water Works Pte Ltd and others v Dr. Who (M) Sdn Bhd and others

When IP disputes arise, it is important for the disputing parties to honour settlement agreements. B...

What evidence must the right holder prepare in a patent infringement lawsuit?

The right holder in a patent infringement lawsuit can strengthen their position and improve their ch...

Choosing electronic evidence to achieve maximum litigation benefits

Electronic evidence facilitates litigation by reducing the once-costly burden of gathering evidence....