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Asia IP

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M/S N. Ranga Rao & Sons Private Limited vs M/S Sujatha Match Works: Match or no match?

A maker of incense granted permanent injunction against maker of matches.

Copyright infringement: A ground for invalidation and opposition of trademark in Singapore

Singapore’s Registrar rules against Malaysia-based maker of construction chemicals and waterproofing...

Temu slams Shein over allegations of design theft and selling counterfeits

Temu calls Shein’s accusations “hypocritical.”

Thailand releases statistics on IP infringements

The number of products confiscated increased by 33.73 percent over the same time last year despite a...

Court dismisses trademark infringement claims against Chinese distributor in Red Bull case

The legal battle between T.C. Pharmaceutical Industries and Red Bull China remains riddled with conf...

Traversing SEP contours through the Indian Perspective: Ericsson v. Lava

In a landmark case, the Delhi High Court has settled the law regarding standard essential patents in...

How generic drug makers attempt to escape infringement charges in India

Fighting back against generic drug makers’ infringement efforts.

The latest rage called RAG

Retrieval-augmented generation is all the rage in the tech world.